Oral Hygiene
Good oral hygiene is key to your child’s healthy smile!
The aao recommends that children have their first orthodontic visit by age 7
Pediatric Dentists Recommend Two Cleanings/Exams A Year
While our pediatric dentist and team do everything possible to help keep your child’s smile healthy, nothing is more vital than maintaining a good oral hygiene routine at home. Proper and consistent brushing and flossing help prevent problems like cavities and gum disease as well as helping your child grow and develop properly so that they can eat and speak normally, digest food, and have their permanent teeth come in without problems.
We recommend that you:
It is normal for babies and small children to such their thumbs, fingers or pacifiers. Most children grow out of this habit on their own by about age 4. If sucking habits continue, please speak with our pediatric dentist so that we can monitor the habit and provide assistance and solutions to help them break the habit before it can cause damage.
Our experienced pediatric dentist and team will help your child learn good oral hygiene habits, including the proper ways to brush and floss. We will also work with you to help you learn the best ways to care for your child’s teeth and mouth at home. Call Pediatric Dentistry and Braces today to make an appointment and learn about the benefits of good oral hygiene!