The aao recommends that children have their first orthodontic visit by age 7

Pediatric Dentists Recommend Two Cleanings/Exams A Year

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Questions & Answers

7 & Up Orthodontic Checkup

Why should my child have their orthodontic exam by age 7?

By age 7, your child is developed enough that any developing problems can be diagnosed and a treatment plan created. At this age, our orthodontist can determine whether or not your child needs orthodontic treatment and when that treatment should begin.

Will my child receive treatment at this age 7 checkup?

Not necessarily. Detecting orthodontic problems at this age does not always mean that they will begin treatment right away. We will evaluate your child’s teeth, mouth and jaws thoroughly to determine how they are growing and developing and to diagnose any problems which may cause damage to their smile in the future. This will help us determine if orthodontic treatment is needed and when the best time to begin that treatment will be. We will discuss all our findings and your child’s options with you to create a treatment plan that meets their needs and will promote their long-term oral health.

What happens at my child’s age 7 orthodontic checkup?

Our orthodontist will perform an oral exam and analyze your child’s bite, oral musculature and bone structure. We will also take X-rays and discuss your child’s oral habits. This will help us determine if your child needs orthodontic treatment and whether or not they should receive early treatment.


About the Recall Club

Once you are in the recall club, you’ll be seen on a yearly basis to monitor the growth of the upper and lower jaw and the eruption pattern of the permanent teeth.

This recall exam
visits are at no cost to you.

7 & Up Orthodontic Checkup


We, along with the American Association of Orthodontists®, recommend that your child receives an orthodontic checkup by age 7! This initial exam helps our orthodontist see how your child is growing and developing and determine if they will need to receive orthodontic treatment. Give us a call today to find out more and schedule your child’s initial orthodontic appointment!