The aao recommends that children have their first orthodontic visit by age 7

Pediatric Dentists Recommend Two Cleanings/Exams A Year

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Pediatric dentists can help save a child’s baby teeth with procedures like baby tooth root canals.

Questions & Answers

Baby Tooth Root Canal

What are the types of baby tooth root canals?

The two major forms of baby tooth root canals are pulpectomies and pulpotomies. Pulpotomies are used when the infection has not reached the tooth roots, and in these cases, our pediatric dentist will only need to clean, disinfect and seal the pulp chamber. If the pulp chamber and tooth roots are infected, a pulpectomy is recommended. This procedure involves cleaning the roots and pulp chamber of the tooth before sealing it. .

When might a pediatric dentist recommend a root canal?

Our pediatric dentist may recommend a baby tooth root canal if your child’s teeth become infected or damaged to the point where the pulp chamber (or inner nerves of the tooth) is affected. Baby teeth perform vital functions in the mouth, including preserving space for the permanent teeth to erupt, making a root canal the preferred treatment whenever possible.

How is the procedure performed?

Our pediatric dentist will begin by numbing the treatment area to help keep your child comfortable. A small hole will be drilled in the tooth, into which we will place files. These files are used to remove the dental pulp. We will then place medication into the opening of the tooth to sterilize the pulp chamber and seal the tooth to keep harmful bacteria out. The tooth is then sealed with a composite resin or a crown to complete your child’s treatment.

How long does the procedure take?

Baby tooth root canals usually take about an hour to complete. If your child cannot sit still for that long, our pediatric dentist may segment the treatment to make sure they can take breaks. Sedation options are also available to help keep your child calm and relaxed during their treatment.

Are baby tooth root canals painful?

The infections that make root canals necessary are usually uncomfortable and unpleasant, as they inflame densely packed tissue with nerves. This makes the tooth extremely sensitive. When your child receives this treatment, our pediatric dentist will provide local anesthetics and other sedation options to ensure their comfort. During their procedure, they should only feel slight pressure. Discomfort following their treatment should be minimal and should subside quickly as they recover. Please speak with our pediatric dentist and team if you have any questions.

Baby Tooth Root Canal