The aao recommends that children have their first orthodontic visit by age 7

Pediatric Dentists Recommend Two Cleanings/Exams A Year

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Help your child manage anxiety with pediatric sedation dentistry!

Questions & Answers

Pediatric Sedation Dentistry

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a form of care involving the use of medications to help manage anxiety, fear and discomfort. We understand that many children experience stress when visiting the dentist, and we offer sedation as an option to help them feel at ease and receive treatment without difficulty.

How can sedation dentistry help my child?

Sedation dentistry is designed to help children feel comfortable and at ease while receiving treatment. Our pediatric dentist may recommend sedation for patients who require complex or lengthy treatments, are extremely anxious or fearful, or who cannot otherwise receive the care they need.

What types of dental sedation are available?

There are several types of sedation available, ranging from local anesthetics to general anesthesia. However, the type of sedation most frequently provided to children is nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas.” This is a form of conscious sedation that helps your child feel relaxed and calm while also allowing them to remain awake and able to follow instructions. Sedation dentistry is very safe, and our pediatric dentist will monitor your child throughout their appointment to ensure they remain safe and comfortable.

Pediatric Sedation Dentistry


If your child is anxious or fearful when visiting our pediatric dentist and team, we may recommend sedation dentistry to help them feel more at ease. Sedation dentistry can help manage stressful feelings so that your child can remain comfortable and receive the care they need without difficulty. To learn more about pediatric sedation dentistry and schedule an appointment, call Pediatric Dentistry and Braces today.